Lockdown, Day 81: Another grim milestone Ten days after recording two lakh infections, India has surpassed the three lakh-mark with the worst daily spike of 11,458 infections. India took 64 days to cross the 1 lakh-mark from 100 cases. Some experts, meanwhile, have come down hard on the ICMR for its assertion that there was no community transmission of COVID-19, saying it was not reflective of the current situation. Track this space for latest updates... COUNT SO FAR | AP reports largest single-day spike in cases at 186, tally at 4,588 | | UP reports 20 deaths, over 500 new cases | | 225 new cases take Odisha's tally to 3,723 | | 39 more test positive in Tripura, total tally 964 | | With one more death, fatalities rise to 54 in J&K | | Three more deaths in Rajasthan, tally of fatalities rise to 275 | | 3 more test positive in Mizoram, total count 107 | | Virus spreads tentacles in MP villages; rural tally at 951 | World | | India | | Tally | Toll | Tally | Toll | 7,617,591 | 424,587
| 308,993 | 8,884 | LIFE UNDER LOCKDOWN | Schools, colleges in Sikkim to reopen in August | | Maha govt slashes charges for tests by private labs | | Goa govt orders random testing at slums near COVID-19 hospital | | 'Radio classes' helping students in J&K's Doda complete syllabus | | Up to 45% of infections may be asymptomatic, says study | BUSINESS AND ECONOMY | Economic plunge in April points to steep climb for world economy | | SII signs deal with Astra Zeneca to manufacture vaccines in India | | Surat's 8 diamond firms partly shut after +ve cases | | Dr Reddy's inks pact with Gilead for Remdesivir | AROUND THE WORLD | Brazil now second in virus deaths, as US states see rising cases | | Russia's infections pass 520,000 | | Germany's confirmed cases rise by 348 to 186,022 | | Over 6,000 new cases reported in Pakistan, death toll reaches 2,551 | | Cases in Singapore cross 40,000 | | Beijing shuts food market after 7 new cases | | Indonesia reports 1,014 new cases, 43 deaths | | Italy's active infections drop below 30,000 | | Uncertainty as Spain puts virus death toll 'on hold' | | Hundreds protest against Nepal's virus response; 7 foreigners held | | South Korea capital adds more cases | DEBATE THIS Will economic patriotism lead to India's undoing? TELL US HERE | |