Lockdown, Day 77: Delhi drowning Even as Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal sets out to get tested, his city is facing an uphill battle against the virus, recording close to 30,000 cases. His stand-in, Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia, is predicting much worse - estimating that the national capital will record over five lakh cases by the end of July. In the meantime, it looks like the world will have to start getting used to having the virus around, with the World Health Organisation reiterating the fact that this pandemic is far from over. Here are the latest updates from today: COUNT SO FAR: | 187 new cases in Jharkhand, totaly cases now 1,330. | | 117 new cases in Bihar, total cases now 5,202. | | 77 new cases in Uttarakhand; tally rises to 1,488. | | 45 new cases in Indore, taking tally to 3,830. | | 33 new cases in Assam, cases go up to 2,776. | | Six new cases in Sikkim; total now 13. | | Daman records first two cases. | | Jyotiraditya Scindia tests positive. | World | | India | | Tally | Toll | Tally | Toll | 71,21,700 | 4,06,616 | 2,66,598 | 7,466 | LIFE AND HEALTH: | New Delhi reverses limits on testing, sickbeds. | | Tamil Nadu's class 10, 11 students to be promoted based on quarterly results, attendance. | | BMC allows markets, shops to function for full working hours. | | Himachal Pradesh police headquarters sealed; DGP, 30 officers in self-quarantine. | | Gilead's remdesivir slows COVID-19 progression in monkeys. | BUSINESS AND ECONOMY: | Petrol price hiked by 54 paise, diesel by 58 paise. | | Steel demand to decline by 13-15% in FY21: Crisil. | | 5% of India Inc plans to hire in Jul-Sept quarter. | | Hiring activity declines 61% in May. | | 82-year-old Parle-G books 'best sales' ever. | | Toyota launches flexible EMI for purchase, servicing. | AROUND THE WORLD: | 450 dead in America in the last 24 hours. | | 252 new cases in Germany take total to 1,84,193. | | German exports and imports crash in April, biggest decline since 1990. | | S&P cuts Japan's debt outlook as spending surges. | | Hong Kong okays $5 billion bailout for Cathay Pacific Airways. | DEBATE: | Will economic patriotism lead to India's undoing? Tell us here | | |