Major discovery in Tamil Nadu's Keezhadi: A possible link to Indus Valley Civilisation In what may be a major discovery for Indian history, artifacts found in excavations carried out at Keezhadi in Tamil Nadu's Sivagangai district have determined a possible link between the scripts of the Indus Valley Civilisation and Tamil Brahmi, which is the precursor to modern Tamil. Another major discovery was that there was an urban civilisation in Tamil Nadu that was contemporary to the Gangetic plain civilisation. The Indus Valley Civilisation was situated in the north-western part of India between 5,000 BCE and 1,500 BCE. Around 1500 BCE, the civilisation collapsed and some have speculated that its people may have moved south. The script that was used by the people of this civilisation has been termed the Indus script, and experts have long speculated that the language could be Dravidian. Now research coming out of Keezhadi shows a possible connection between the two cultures. |