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Monday, December 24, 2018

5 mistakes in investing for retirement and how to fix them

Tue, Dec 25, 2018 | 06:31 AM IST

ET Wealth Newsletter

WHAT'S HOT #RERA,#sukanya samriddhi yojana calculator,#alternative investment returns monitor,#realty hot spot series,#stock pick of the week,#mf portfolio doctor,#family finance
5 mistakes in investing for retirement and how to fix them
Poor saving habits and bad investment decisions can derail your retirement planning.
Your retirement investments should be in these financial instruments
If you are saving for retirement, the portfolio should be a mix of various investment instruments.
These 5 stocks have consistently outperformed the economy
Stocks whose earnings per share (EPS) and operating profits grow faster than the GDP of the economy tend to outperform the broader market.
Can Patanjali do an Amul?
Mighty firms have lost to the milk co-operatives. But Patanjali wants to break the dairy jinx.
Can Zydus grow Complan?
In buying the nutrition-food brand, Pankaj Patel might have got Zydus Cadila a new source of growth.
The rise and rise of Khadi
How a rural-vibe brand turned the government into India's largest consumer-goods maker
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Peer to peer (P2P) lending platform is a marketplace that connects individuals in need for credit with individuals and institutions willing to lend.
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Is Life Insurance only for the rich?
With lives becoming more competitive, lifestyle patterns are changing faster than ever.
Side-pocketing may provide temporary relief but does it make your debt mutual funds safer?
There are fears that it may prompt fund managers to take higher risks with investors' money.
The career skills you will need to get ahead in 2019
Whether you are looking for a new job or planning to stay put, plan for a few of the major trends that will affect your workplace and thus your career.
Top Mutual Funds
SCHEME NAME RATING 1 M(%) 6 M(%) 1 YR(%) 3 YRS(%)
JM Core 11 Direct Plan-Growth 1.62 -2.55 -5.99 15.78
JM Core 11 Fund-Growth 1.43 -3.13 -6.93 14.30
Axis Bluechip Fund Direct Plan-Growth 2.92 -1.04 6.65 13.69
ICICI Prudential Bluechip Fund Institutional I-Growth 0.76 -0.48 -1.57 13.04
Reliance Large Cap Fund Direct-Growth 0.82 1.85 -0.68 13.02
FeaturedDSP Focus Direct Plan-Growth
1.12 -4.09 -6.27 9.19
Start SIP
When you start investing for retirement, asset allocation matters more than how you invest
Risk profile of a portfolio—aggressive, moderate or conservative—and the choice of instruments will affect the size of one's retirement kitty. Find out how.
Want to invest in debt MFs? This is a must read
If you are investing in debt funds, take the time to choose wisely without being distracted.
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New LTCG tax calculator: Plan, compute your tax
New LTCG tax calculator: Plan, compute your tax
Use this tool to calculate long-term capital gains (LTCG) and the corresponding LTCG tax for listed shares and units of equity-oriented mutual funds.
Tax Impact Calculator
Tax Impact Calculator
This tax calculator will help you estimate your tax liability. Just input your personal income details and know how much you would be liable to pay.
Will investing in 'correct' sectoral mutual funds help you beat equity market volatility?

The worst lesson that can be learned is that when the markets are down, some sectors will still do well.

Lost your job? Here's how you can rework your loan EMIs

A borrower can restructure his loan EMI if he loses his job or suffers a pay cut.

Investing in focused equity funds requires high risk appetite and careful selection

Focused equity funds suffer from concentration risk-induced volatility and are not suitable for investors with a low risk appetite.

How to plan for a special kid's future

Just writing a Will may not protect the child's future. A trust in her name will ensure that the funds and assets intended for her are utilised for her needs.

Realty hot spot series: Key school, hospitals within reach of this Mumbai locality

This Mumbai location hosts several business centres namely One BKC, Godrej BKC, Parinee Crescenzo, IL&FS Financial Centre, etc.

MF portfolio doctor: Why Deshpande needs to rethink home buying plans

The Portfolio Doctor suggests that Deshpande should review the home buying plan as it could upset other goals and that he should also avoid investments in stocks.

Not a bad time to start putting money back in the market: Shilpa Kumar, ICICI Securities

It is best for an investor to spread out money in the market in instalments rather than as a lump sum at this time, says Shilpa Kumar, MD & CEO, ICICI Securities.

How to partially withdraw from your PPF

One is allowed to withdraw up to 50% of the PPF account balance after completion of five years from the end of the subscription year. Withdrawals are tax-free.

Stock pick of the week: Why analysts are bullish on Oil India

Impressive revenue and net profit growth, fall in the rupee that will help shore up realisations and low valuations have made Oil India analysts' favourite.

Franklin India Equity Advantage Fund: Wait for the scheme to build a consistent track record

Until the fund builds a consistent track record under the revised mandate, investors may stick with more proven offerings.

Family finance: Why Singh will have to wait for a rise in income to meet goals

According to Fincart, lack of investible surplus means Singh will have to put off the goals of his kids' weddings and house purchase till a rise in income.

What is a country's Gross Domestic Product

GDP or Gross Domestic Product, a macroeconomic aggregate, is a measure of the value of final output in the economy in a given time period.

Alternative investment returns monitor: For the week ending Dec 19, 2018

Here's a weekly tracker of returns from Alternative investments but don't compare these with returns from traditional investments.

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Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Soluciones de financiación creativas

Financiación creativa

Ésto nos pasó hace poco con un cliente.

Querían 250mil euros para una compra de participaciones y les era imposible conseguirlo por su cuenta, tanto por importe como por el tipo de operación.

¿Cuál era su problema?

Que su director financiero no quería salir de su zona de comfort y en sus bancos de toda la vida no era capaz de conseguir lo que necesitaba.

Y en la vida, para solucionar problemas sin solución hay que hacer las cosas de manera diferente.

Hay que ser creativo.

Al final nos contrataron y gracias a nuestros contactos con entidades no bancarias, pudimos dar forma a la operación para que saliese adelante.

Sin nosotros y nuestra capacidad de verlo todo desde todos los ángulos posibles, esa operación no habría salido.

La clave, como en todos los negocios, es encontrar a quien confíe en tu empresa y en tu proyecto. Y en eso somos especialistas.

Si quieres que te ayudemos con la financiación que a ti se te escapa...

Déjanos tus datos y te llamamos

Un saludo,


Monday, December 17, 2018

Operaciones de refinanciación


Refinanciación de endeudamiento.

¿Qué es? Simplificándolo, se trata de convertir deuda a corto plazo en deuda a largo, para reducir las cuotas de amortización.

¡OJO!, hablamos de endeudamiento, no de morosidad. Endeudamiento que está al día, sin impagos, pero con cuotas elevadas para la empresa.

A nosotros llegan a menudo empresa que lo buscan porque en meses "flojos" les cuesta hacer frente a todos sus compromisos de pago.

¿Cuál es el problema?

Que los bancos aborrecen todo lo que sea refinanciar porque no quieren asumir riesgo de otras entidades y porque el Banco de España les hace provisionar el 25% del importe.

Si quieres saber cómo lo solucionamos nosotros, sigue leyendo...

Uno de nuestros clientes, una empresa industrial valenciana que tenía tensiones de tesorería puntuales que hacían peligrar su estabilidad, nos pidió que le ayudásemos a refinanciar sus préstamos a corto.

Era una refinanciación que ni su banco ni ningún otro le quería dar.

¿Qué hicimos?

Montamos la operación como una necesidad puntual (no recurrente) de tesorería que nada tenía que ver con la refinanciación de otros préstamos y centrándonos solo en la operativa de la empresa, sus plazos de pago y de cobro.

Así conseguimos dos operaciones que juntas cubrieron los tres préstamos y a más largo plazo.

Para que te ayudemos con un problema similar...

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El equipo de Iberfinancia.

Sunday, December 16, 2018

Leaseback y rentback (liquidez)


Si necesitas liquidez para tu empresa puede que te interesen las líneas de Leaseback y Rentback.

Son un método muy inteligente de conseguir financiación para tu empresa: convertir tu inmovilizado material en circulante.

¿Cómo funciona?

Se trata, de forma simplificada, de vender tu inmovilizado (maquinaria, por ejemplo) a la empresa financiera y después alquilárselo de vuelta.

De este modo consigues liquidez (el pago por la maquinaria) y la devuelves mes a mes (el pago por el alquiler).

En Iberfinancia somos expertos en financiación para Pymes y trabajamos con una docena de entidades que hacen este tipo de operaciones.

Si quieres que te ayudemos a conseguir liquidez para tu empresa...

Déjanos tus datos y te llamamos

Un saludo,
