A diseased body is the biggest enemy of good health. A healthy body looks beautiful, attractive and remains active. Yogasanas and pranayama have a lot of significance in our life. Let us find out as to how can we cure different diseases through nature therapy and Yoga.
Yogic Treatment for Asthma: Practice jala neti, sutra neti and vastra neti daily followed by surya namaskar, tadasana, katichakrasana, sarvangasana, bhujangasana,...

In Indian contemporary life, we have either forgotten some of the concepts or have lost their real and original meaning. 'Nadi' is one such concept. To understand its meaning we have to go to the historic era. The Vedic philosophy enjoys the glory for its magnanimous approach. The vedic concepts were built upon cosmic system and its interlude with the human individual system.
The concept of 'Yathaa Pinde Tathaa Brahmaande' (whats in the cosmos is equally represented in every living body) influences...
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